Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Boots That Got Away

The other day I was hanging out with my friends Laila and Lydia (yes, I get their names mixed up too), chatting about the beautiful metropolis of Vancouver. Suddenly Lydia clutched her heart and an inconscient look spread across her face.

Was she having a stroke? No. She was thinking of the boots that got away.

"Have you heard about the boots?" Laila asked.

"They were perfect buttery leather," said Lydia, "knee high, made in Italy, and sold at this random little shop in BC. Why oh why didn't I understand the meaning of 'investment piece'?"

"They've haunted her ever since," Laila explained.

"My god," I said softly. "How long has it been?"

"Six years," said Lydia. "Six years."

In the cliched words of Carrie Bradshaw: I couldn't help but many of us have similar stories of missed shopportunities, or lost shoes, or a favorite blouse stained beyond recognition? I know I'm still yearning for the most perfect little black shorts I misplaced in 7th grade, and I have a hunch the red Fendi jacket I passed up at Goodwill last week (stupid! stupid! stupid!) is something that will make me clutch my heart and gaze dreamily into the distance as I reminisce about it six long years from now.

What about you? What is your greatest shopping regret? Your most missed piece of clothing?

p.s. The comment with the most heartfelt story wins a small gift and letter of condolence from me. For serious. So clutch your heart and share some feelings, damnit!