Wednesday, September 2, 2009

An Imagined Conversation Between Myself and This Model

Me: Hey, girl!

Model: Hey.

Me: So, whatcha doin'?

Model: Just hanging out.

Me: Seriously though, what are you doing?

Model: I told you. I'm hanging out.

Me: You hang out like that?

Model: Yeah. This is hanging out, rocker style.

Me: Really? Cuz it sort of looks like you're hanging out, trying-not-to-touch-the-toilet-seat style.

Model: Whatever.

Me: Are those sequins chafing or something?

Model: No!

Me: Tell the truth.

Model: Well, a little.

Me: I knew it!

Model: Damnit, I thought I was pulling this off.

Me: You're doing great! It's just, I'm just not sure we should start equating "awkward squatting" with "rocker style."

Model: I guess...

Me: How long have you been squatting over here?

Model: Two hours.

Me: Jesus. OK, that actually might qualify as rocker style, but solely because of the muscle endurance involved.

Model: Don't forget the chafing.

Me: Mick Jagger's got nothing on you.

Image via Shopbop