Sunday, September 27, 2009

Awesome Affordable Etsy Find of the Week!

I've always been a huge fan of narwhals, mostly because they are basically a manatee crossed with a unicorn (and who's gonna argue with that?), but I've also spent an embarrassing amount of time pondering which member of the animal kingdom I'd most want to be friends with, and the narwhal consistently comes out on top.

I mean, narwhals are always smiling in photos, plus you could store various snack items on their tusks, they would give really satisfying hugs, and I have a feeling they wouldn't judge me for crying during Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I guess I just feel like if you ever had to be like, "Narwhal, I'm having a tough week," your narwhal friend would say, "I'm here for you." And then tenderly tip down its tusk to offer you a cake donut.

I'm almost positive my dad is going to leave a comment on this post listing all the reasons why a narwhal would actually be a lousy friend, but I don't care. I still really want this necklace.