Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Gorgeous Jewelry Giveaway!

To continue our theme of exclusive Closet Confidential: Style Secrets Learned the Hard Way excerpts and corresponding giveaways, I'd like to give you a sneak peek at the accessories chapter, along with a chance to win this amazing necklace and earring set from the online jewelry boutique ABT Arcade:

(Please click to enlarge!)

Talented jewelry designer Allison created this set using vintage green glass beads and flower charms, which contrast beautifully with assorted gunmetal chains. She named these pieces after Mary Tyler Moore, and just like MTM, they will stay classic and stylish forever.

Speaking of which, here's a sidebar from my book:

Six Types of Jewelry You Should Never, Ever, Under Any Circumstances, Get Rid of, Because if You Do, You will Live a Life of Sadness and Regret

• Cuff or bangle bracelets
Small, medium, or large, these pretty pieces are a great finishing touch to your outfit.

• Simple gold or silver chains
Classic, flattering, and versatile, I challenge you to make a chain necklace look anything but elegant.

• Jeweled brooch
Yes, brooches can come off as a bit septuagenarian, but balance them with your dazzling youth and you'll be fine.

• Large cocktail rings
Always, always in style.

• Pearls
I once wore my triple-strand pearl necklace to conduct an interview in a chicken coop. The interview went really well, which leads me to conclude that pearls are appropriate and beneficial to every possible life situation.

• Anything with a family history.
Accessories, and especially jewelry, are a really special way for generations of women to relate to and honor each other. My great-grandma left me four inexpensive Timex watches that don't tell time anymore, but sometimes I'll stack them all on my wrist and be four times as late as I normally am, which is OK, because they make me think of her. All my friends have favorite memories of playing with their moms’ jewelry or trying on hats (or wigs) with their great aunts.

Style Lesson #29: Even if a piece of your grandma's jewelry is absolutely, totally not your style, do me a favor and tuck it away somewhere. You'll be very glad you did.

For a chance to win those gorgeous Mary Tyler Moore earrings and necklace, leave a comment telling me about your favorite piece of jewelry. Feel free to write two words or two-hundred, but I'd love to hear where you got it and why it means so much to you.

If you don't have a favorite piece of jewelry (tragedy!), just tell me why you'd like to own the set above. I'll choose a winner at random this coming Monday. And as always, please tweet or blog about this contest to earn yourself another entry!

Thanks so much, and good luck!

Update: Congratulations to our lucky winner, MP! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful, touching, and funny jewelry stories! I truly enjoyed reading them. :) And keep an eye out for the next contest!