Saturday, October 17, 2009

Don't Show-cha Your Chocha!

The Don't Show-cha Your Chocha submissions have been rollin' in, and if it didn't sound supremely creepy, I would say something like, "I'm now seeing at least 5 chochas every day! It's marvelous!" OK, who am I kidding? Creepy is my middle name. Bring on the chocha!

Let's start things off with an oldie but a goodie sent in by reader Marcela:

So, ummm, Kate Moss? Are you wearing a diaper? I'm only asking because if you are, diapers are going to become the next big thing, and I want to be ahead of the trend.

Lovely Leslie tracked found a Free People dress that seems to have an important section of fabric missing in front:
'She says: In this shot it's like the photographer reassured her that nothing was showing, but she does not believe him because the dress is so. freaking. short.

An anonymous reader submitted this tribute to calculated hand placement:

I think those hands deserve a hand! Like, seriously, a round of applause, because without them we'd be seeing her crotch.

Here's perennial DSYC favorite Lindsay Lohan:

Reader Katie points out: If it weren't for the happy accident of the drooping bag strap, there'd be some serious chocha goin' on. I'd probably cover my face, too.

Speaking of perennial DSYC favorites, where's American Apparel? Oh. Here it is:

Says Meghan: Although this isn't exactly a chocha shot, I thought it would fit in quite nicely with all your other chocha-tacular images. The worst part? If you read the description, these are apparently running shorts. I'm sorry but if it looks like underwear, fits like underwear, and wearing it in public illicts the same response as if you were wearing's probably underwear! [Editor's note: that's my new motto!]

Reader Hanna came across a photo of another Hannah, the latter of which may have some trouble sitting down:

I also really liked Hanna's accompanying email, which said: As an avid reader of your blog, I am always on the hunt for some chocha fabulous enough to get a mention on your blog. Chocha hunting=awkward hobby? Nawww.

Reader Brittney sent along this photo, which as we know from the Chocha Glossary, is referred to as the joe-cha:

Should we tell him his pants are down? Do you think he knows?

And finally, check out this powerful leg clench:

Says Erin: It actually says that it's a TOP. Then why, for the love of god and all that is holy, wear it as a dress?!

Actually, WendyB has the answer to that question.

Find a chocha? Send it to me (creepy is my middle name, remember?)!