Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday Top 5: Things That Hurt Less Than Breaking in a Pair of Dr. Martens Boots

My boyfriend Nick and my brother Devin recently bought some awesome Dr. Martens boots. They love their new purchases and they look great, despite the fact that they are both currently hobbling around on bloody stumps that used to be their feet.

Because apparently breaking in Dr. Martens is serious business. Really serious. Like, rent-a-wheelchair-in-advance serious.

It looks so innocent.

The woman at the store warned us about the breaking-in process in an ominous Ian McKellen voice, but I don't think the guys took her seriously. So, in order to save other potential victims from the same fate, I've compiled this list of experiences that are less painful than breaking in your new pair of Docs:

  • Getting run over by a Mini Cooper.
  • Eating glass.
  • Rewatching a beloved childhood movie and being like, "Oh, this sucks now."
  • Child birth.
Feel free to add to my list!

And godspeed to you, Devin, Nick, and any other new Dr. Martens owners. Someday we'll develop the technology to let you walk again.