Friday, February 5, 2010

Awesome Affordable Etsy Find of the Week!

My current wallet, an amazing 1970s metallic silver clutch I found for $2 at an estate sale a few years ago (yes, I breathlessly describe this backstory to every single unfortunate soul who compliments me on it), is disintegrating. And I mean that quite literally: every time I open it to get out my debit card, stringy little pieces of it come off in my hand. This makes for some awkward encounters with cashiers, especially when I start crying.

So yeah, I'm in the market for a new wallet. Searching Etsy for candidates, I came across this beautiful vintage clutch. After the few years of therapy it will take to learn to let go of my current wallet (an amazing 1970s metallic silver clutch I found for $2 at an estate sale a few years ago, did I mention that?), if this one is still available, it might be just perfect.