Monday, February 22, 2010

Don't Show-cha Your Chocha!

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for this week's installment of Don't Show-cha Your Chocha! If you're new to Daddy Likey (welcome!), click here for a glimpse into DSYC's humble beginnings. And if you're a seasoned chocha watcher (give it time, you'll get there), then read on, sister, read on...

File this under "Cartoon Mice Gone Bad:"

Says Brittany: I felt this was something that needed to be brought to youir attention immediately, since you can actually SEE HER CHOCHA.

Reader Jessica thought this model seemed confused and slightly pissed off (and I agree):

She says: This website has some great chocha shots. Best I can figure, they sell frilly fancy underwear--the skirts are meant to frame them, maybe??

Oh, Scary Spice:

Says Sam: It is apparent from her flattened hair and runny eye makeup that Scary Spice got herself caught in a freak downpour, which thus necessitated her removing the bottom half of her outfit so as to air-dry her chocha.

The lovely Elissa sent this one in:

She says: Here is a chocha in danger of imminent exposure. Pretty dress, just requires leggings for reals.

So, yeah, apparently we need to go over the whole shirt vs. dress thing again:

Says Nicole: It appears chocha-baring has moved off Kate Moss and the runway and be now be found at your local Wal-Mart.

Speaking of which:

This is a shirt. Like, I've seen it at stores on the racks marked "shirts." It might go nicely with some pants.

Becca, a self-proclaimed novice chocha hunter, turned in 3 outstanding/terrifying examples:

Dude, battling zombie monks is hard enough when you're wearing pants.

Found on Facehunter (chocha hunter?) by my dear friend Thomas W:

His theory: Apparently SE Asia didn't get the chocha memo.

From Laurel:

The eternal question: In what universe is this a "dress"?

My friend Sara sent me this picture on Facebook:

Wow. Read more about it over at Oddly Enough!

Here's a classic:

Says Alexandra: I'm glad they cropped out the poor model's eyes to conceal her identity.

From Isabel:

She says: Do the double-C's stand for cooch?

Here's a proud chocha shower sent to me on Twitter by the lovely Eliza:

The website says to pair this with skinny jeans or pencil skirts, but they seem to be disrgarding their own advice here.

Mary sent in the following three Etsy finds plus great commentary:

I think there's a reason that this "babydoll dress" should NOT be worn by adults.

This model has her arms raised in question: "Why is all of the material at the neckline instead of covering my chocha?"

It says that this is a shirt, but then it also says it's a mini dress. If nude tights need to be worn to cover chocha because the "dress" in question makes no attempt at modesty, is it REALLY still a dress? Or just a shirt?

Now that's a philosophical question right there: If a shirt is called a dress, but it doesn't cover your chocha, is it still a dress? Suck it, Socrates.

Aaaaaaand I'll end on that note.

Found a chocha? Send it my way!