Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Live, from Chicago: Don't Show-cha Your Chocha!

OK, that title may have come off as a little too excited--this is a regular Don't Show-cha Your Chocha post, just written from my hotel room in Chicago. I didn't scout out any candid Chicago chocha or anything (somehow I don't think that would endear me to the city), but I did skip this feature last week and decided it was worth the $9.99 internet charge to make up for that.

If you're new to Daddy Likey, click here to read the introduction to Don't Show-cha Your Chocha, and if you're a seasoned Daddy Likey pro, read on for the latest saga of the war on pants (and sometimes, underwear).

We'll kick things off with a confused cowgirl:

Says reader Vanessa: Cowgirl needs to learn that "tunic" is not a synonym for "dress."

Kristen sent in this really pretty, really short dress:

Good lord, lady, leave that hem alone! I assure you it's quite high enough already.

Here's an email from Claudia: While browsing through the fine apparel dresses (aka dresses I will never own) on the Neiman Marcus website, I came across a $2,595 Stella McCartney, cream-colored, chocha-showing dress...

Well, yeah, you couldn't do anything without showing your boobs and your chocha! Not good.

Next up, from Angela:

Yeah, that's definitely an awkwardly placed slit.

Speaking of slits, refined reader Carolyn sent in this picture of the often-featured Lisa Rinna:

She says: This seems like a new angle on your running theme. Possibly 'slit to slit' but that may be waaaaay to crass. Unfortunately it was the first thing that came to mind. [Editor's note: Carolyn, my blog is called "Daddy Likey." Few things are too crass.]

From Miss Staci:

She says: Here is a delightful photograph of a sweater (dress?) and tights modeled by someone who very clearly wants to show off her chocha.

The email from Jessica was deceptively innocent. All it said was, "I have a tunic for you." And then, THIS:

So, I know I'm supposed to be more accepting of weird styles and stuff, but this is just the most awful thing I've ever seen. Everything about this picture upsets me.

And finally, an exceedingly clever reader named Greta sent me a chocha-related glossary that I really hope catches on:

The Faux-cha: when a designer modestly covers the chocha and then embellishes the area with some furry trim or bulls eye design anyway.

The Low-cha: when the chocha actually drops below a hemline...or the hemline creeps up. Same effect.

The No-cha: when ill-cut pants stretch tightly across two protruding hip bones like a trampoline, the inseam is a bit long, and it all result in the appearance of no chocha at all.

The Hello-cha: the pose a model strikes when she is proud to put her girly bits out there.

The Joe-cha: Male equivalent.

Awesome, right? Remember to email me your chocha finds, defenders of decency!