Monday, August 31, 2009

Awesome Affordable Etsy Find of the Week: Iambic Pentameter Edition

At first I thought my eyes were fooling me
Could something oh so beautiful be true?
Those purple beads shine like a lonely sea
That silver clasp glints like the morning dew
Of course a lowly peasant such as I
Could only dream of owning such a thing
T'would cost a mint to click the link to buy
And lord knows that I can't afford no bling
But hark! Perhaps it can still grace my wrist!
Its glory not reserved for country clubs
The price is low, I think you'll get the gist:
It's cheaper than three 12-inch Subway subs.

p.s. Big exciting announcement coming tomorrow! No more teasing, I swear, I actually have really big exciting news and I can't wait to tell you. So be there (well, here) or be square! Pretty please?