Thursday, August 27, 2009

Blogback Mountain + Chicago Blogger Pics!

I recently discovered two fabulous personal style blogs that have become fast favorites: Fashion Therapist and District of Chic. Please check 'em out and show some love!

How gorgeous is Amber?

Don't let Martin see these.

I think the entire internet is waiting for the pictures of Joanna's sure-to-be-gorgeous wedding. Congrats, Jo and Alex--have a wonderful time this weekend!

This is making me hungry.

Laura Jane has a friend who wants to circumnavigate the world, solo, in a boat, and Laura Jane is prepared to do whatever necessary to help her out.

Are you a pale-skinned blue-eyed brunette? Here's your perfect lipstick!

Growing up in a family of biologists, I've seen my share of denim button-up shirts, pleated dockers and orthopedic clogs, so I love love love Fashion For Nerds for proving that scientists can be sassy and chic!

Good advice.

Figure Flatter as a Limiting Factor: Love this!

Lemon Love posted some great packing tips to help me prepare for my recent trip to Chicago. (She took pity on me after I confessed my packing strategy can be summed up as "Cram everything I own in a suitcase. Pray it doesn't explode.")

Speaking of Chicago, during my time in the windy city I was lucky enough to meet up with a few lovely blogger friends, and I had a fabulous time with each and every one of them! Here are a few pics:

With my blogger soulmate, Sarah from Yes and Yes. We got in trouble for taking pictures at Forever21 and accidentally ate at a steakhouse.

With Clare from Between Laundry Days, half of Jennine from The Coveted, and Jennine's husband, Rocky. We ate giant pancakes and posed like power rangers.

Oh, and here's Jennine's whole face for good measure:

She's adorable!

I also had dinner with the lovely Dana from I'm Not Drunk, I'm Brilliant, but our photo shoot was limited to a dark self-timer experiment on the sidewalk after eating what can accurately be described as a trough of creamy pasta, so I'd rather not showcase the results. It was superfun though, and I hope to cross paths will all of you again in the future!

P.S. Can someone write a post about how to maintain cute hair while traveling? Because this unfortunate frizzball thing is becoming a theme for me.