Tuesday, April 27, 2010


How do guys you feel about using the word "totes" instead of "totally"? I used to hate it, then I started saying it in a jokey way to annoy my friends, then it crept into my everyday vocabulary (irony creeper!), then last week I found myself saying it quite earnestly in the middle of an important work meeting and realized my life is in shambles.

My feelings about canvas tote bags have evolved in a similar fashion: first I thought they were stupid, then I started carrying this random one sort of as a joke, and now I want to buy a new one everyday.

I love tote bags because they provide a simple canvas for a multitude of designs and styles. There are simple designs and zany ones and some that feature Nietzsche quotes and some that are just like, "Dude, pizza is so good!" There's something for everybody.

Here are the top 5 canvas tote bags I'm totes coveting at the moment:

I wish! $16

"T-Rex doesn't want to be fed. He wants to hunt." $10

Love this in t-shirt form. Love it in tote form, too. $14

This toast tote is totes awesome (say that 5 times fast). $17

p.s. A local movie theater manager recently asked my brother Devin if he would be interested in dressing up as Edward Cullen and entertaining the crowds when the new Twilight movie opens. I think this is the funniest thing that's ever happened, and now I really want to buy him this sweet Robert Pattinson tote.