Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Top 5 Sources of Fashion Inspiration That Won't Ruin Your Self-Worth

I love fashion magazines as much as the next girl. And by that I mean I don't really love them that much, because they make me feel fat and poor.

Here's the conundrum: these publications provide a good source of style tips, tricks, and ideas, so I hate to give them up altogether, but is a bit of inspiration worth the hits to my body confidence (Thighs are so out this season!) and savings account ($1200 is actually a reasonable price for a diamond-encrusted flannel romper!)?

I think not.

Top 5 Sources of Fashion Inspiration That Won't Ruin Your Self-Worth

Wardrobe Remix
This vast (nearly 15,000 members strong!), constantly updated collection of real outfits photos from real people of all shapes, sizes, ages, and budgets is a treasure trove of style inspiration. Scroll through the pictures for new styling ideas or better yet, join the group and challenge yourself to post pictures of your own outfits.

Fabric Stores
As you may recall from this post, I'm kinda sorta learning to sew, which means I've recently discovered the unadulterated joy of a trip to the fabric store. Meandering through the aisles of bright colors, sumptuous textures, and pretty patterns reminds me of fashion's exciting possibilities.

A fabric store has none of the negatives of a clothing store--no weird sizes, unflattering fits, or judgmental store clerks--which allows you to detach from your usual insecurities and revel in your sensory experience: What color makes your heart race? What patterns make you smile? Which fabric makes you want to buy a few yards, construct a crude robe, and never take it off? Try to bring the answers to those questions into your wardrobe, and I think you'll be pleased with the result.

Already Pretty
Fashion blogs in general are a great power-to-the-people alternative to traditional fashion magazines, but Sally's masterful mix of practical wardrobe advice and self-love manifestos strikes the perfect chord with me. On more than one occasion her posts have made me cry--in a good way. On more than one occasion Vogue has made me cry--in a bad way. Sally wins.

Leaving your comfort zone and being exposed to new cultures is inspiring in every way, but it can be especially stimulating to your sense of style. Whether you're people-watching in Tokyo or just enjoying a quick day trip to a neighboring city, pay attention to the different ways people adorn themselves and which looks you really respond to.

If you're too poor to actually travel, flip through National Geographics at the library or watch travel shows on PBS or read this post or live vicariously through a friend (ever since I saw my friend Lydia's gorgeous Morocco vacation pictures, I've been scouring ebay for embroidered tunics and beaded belts). There are a million ways, subtle or grand, to bring the beauty of other cultures into your daily dress. So do it!

Old Movies
A little cliche, sure, but has anyone on earth ever watched Sabrina and not been moved to step up their fashion game?

Where do you find your style inspiration?