Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Top 5 Reasons You Should Buy This Calendar (or at least enter to get one for free!)

My love affair with fellow blogger Sarah Von Bargen is well documented. I adore her witty, inspirational blog, Yes and Yes, and I feel such a strong connection to her personally that I'm pretty sure we were blogger friends in a past life (most likely in ancient Rome, where we wrote budget travel tips and snide fashion observations on pieces of parchment paper and distributed them for free to the masses).

As many of you may have heard, Sarah and her talented BFF recently created a calendar, called "A Year in Yes," and it's amazing. I received my copy yesterday, and when I opened it up I ran my hand over the glossy pages and literally gasped "It's beautiful!" out loud, to myself, alone in my kitchen. That's how amazing it is. It will make you act like a melodramatic after-school special.

Here are a few other reasons I strongly encourage you to pick up a copy:

Top 5 Reasons You Absolutely Need to Buy the "A Year in Yes" Calendar

1. Beautiful photography/design.

Love the photographs. Love the layout. Love the colors. Love the handwriting. This calendar might renew your faith in love.

2. Quotes that don't make you want to vomit. Plus other goodies and surprises.

When Sarah first told me about this project, she described it as follows: "It'll be called 'A Year in Yes' and feature cool photos with inspirational (but not puke-inducing) quotes, plus funny ideas and ridiculous holidays in the date bit of the calendar. And there are going to be lists! Like February? 'People that I've kissed'!!"

This thing is so packed full of hidden gems and funny tidbits that you can make yourself a cup of tea, sit down and read it like a book. And then when someone walks in and asks why you are reading a calendar, you can be like, "This ain't no ordinary calendar!" And yes, I've had this exact scenario play out in my real life.

3. Purchasing this calendar supports a couple of creative ladies doing the thing they love.

Sure, you could buy your 2010 calendar from a big calendar factory that spews smog and chops down FernGully to make their paper and employs fat cat businessmen who smoke cigars and crush dreams for fun, or you could show some love to some badass, independent, recycled paper-loving female entrepreneurs from Minnesota. Save the fairies. Go with option two.

4. Have you looked at other inspirational calendars?

Seriously, they look like they were hastily cobbled together from a few moldy motivational posters torn out of my 9th grade health teacher's classroom. My 9th grade health teacher had an unironic Burt Reynolds mustache and tried to convert my entire class to Christianity. Don't support that. Buy Sarah's calendar instead.

5. Buy one for everybody on your holiday shopping list. Bam, you're done.

I can't think of a more perfect gift for everyone on your list, from your sister to your yoga instructor to your parole officer. And as an added bonus, if you buy a calendar, Sarah will ship it to you, anywhere in the world, for FREE. Canada, Malaysia, Australia, a raft floating in international waters, you name it. Free.

Now for the really fun part: I've got a "Year in Yes" calendar to give away! For a chance to win, please leave a comment telling me your favorite month of the year and why. Or if you're feeling mega lazy, just tell me your name and email address. Or your favorite zoo animal. I'll choose a winner at random next Tuesday!

But promise me if you don't win--you'll buy yourself a copy? And one for your barista, too?