Thursday, December 24, 2009

Blogback Mountain!

Surely you've all been too busy eating holiday cookies to notice, but posting has indeed been slow this week and is going to slow down even more for a long holiday weekend.

Speaking of the holidays, if you're out buying presents today (way to live life on the edge!), might I kindly suggest stopping into your local bookstore to pick up a copy of Closet Confidential? It's the perfect gift for your little sister or mother or cousin or best friend and you're welcome to forge my signature on the title page and pretend it's an autographed copy. That should score you some extra points. And maybe a little bad karma for lying. But on January 1st karma counts start fresh so I think you're good.

And for my fabulous readers stuck at work today, pretending to work, here are some fun links to help you keep up the facade:

Dear Sally, I love your outfit.

How to Settle the Eff Down: wise, wise words of advice for my fellow freaker-outers!

OMG OMG OMG exciting blogger pregnancy news! A thousand congratulations to Joanna, Alex, and their sure-to-be cutest baby ever!

Annie has an entertaining and thoughtful post about the 20 pounds of catalogs she received this month.

Did I mention that the mayor of Portland tweeted about my Mayor and the Mouse Shoes post? Yeah, he did.

A superchic "sweatshirt alternative."

Happy birthday, WendyB! I hope I swear as much as you when I'm your age.

Lady Smaggle has 10 Reasons Why Women Need Women. I need Lady Smaggle to be my BFF, like, now.

So exciting! An excerpt of Closet Confidential in Woman's Day!

Clare finds the best stuff at Target, like these tights. Sometimes I find good stuff at Target, but mostly I find awkward run-ins with my high school classmates.

Winter Wonderland! Beautiful.

Argyle tights! Beautiful.

Remember two days ago when I encouraged you to enter the As Good As Cake contest to win a signed copy of Closet Confidential? Well, you should. Seriously. Go do it!

And a reminder that my Mega Exciting Closet Confidential Giveaway Bonanza is open until the 31st! Thanks so much to those who have already entered!

Have a very merry Christmas/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah/Festivus and I'll see you back here on Monday!