Thursday, July 8, 2010

Awesome Affordable Etsy Find of the Week!

Oregon is currently experiencing a heat wave. We hit 101 today. Anytime the temperature climbs above 90 I'm convinced my second floor apartment is not actually an apartment but a human oven closely observed by alien chefs. It's terrifying. And sweaty.

Today I fled to the beach to escape the heat. Tomorrow I plan to wear nothing but a vintage slip to work, then crawl over to the air-conditioned grocery store across the street, lay down in the freezer section, and try not to get arrested for indecent exposure.

p.s. For all you sweaty, stylish Portland folks, also happening tomorrow: The Up in the Air Summer Affair Rooftop Party and Fashion Show. I'm hoping to peel myself off the grocery store floor, put on a bra (hopefully), and go check it out. Should be a really good time! See you there?