Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Links I Likey

Note: These link posts are usually called Blogback Mountain, but (as a couple readers have pointed out) with Heath Ledger's death today, the reference doesn't feel right. So sad.

I'm not writing a real post right now because my computer chair is digging into my back and a sharp draft from the window is freezing my toes. Meanwhile, Amber is blogging from bed. Bitch.

A Cup of Jo has a heaping cup of willpower.

Queen Marie asserts that you needn't know if something is a cat or a bear to love it. I agree.

I just knew my little Jennine would hit it big!

Jello on Springs perfectly captures a girl fashion crush. Well, she didn't actually capture her, as that would involve trapping her in a cage and stealing her moccasins, but you know what I mean (I hope).

In related news, I kind of want to trap this girl in a cage and steal her hair. But that's not creepy at all.

Hot hair. A fur coat. And a pig. Possibly the coolest picture ever.

Hopefully Ms. Von Teese doesn't come out with a wondercorset.