Thursday, January 10, 2008

Yes, Thinking Bloggers Write About "Anaconda"

I just watched Anaconda, and while it left me feeling inspired and refreshed in many ways (Jon Voight+cargo pants+totally random Spanish accent=cure for all ills), it seems to have zapped my fashion inspiration (did I mention the cargo pants?). Therefore, this is the perfect opportunity to finally respond to my being deemed a "Thinking Blogger" by the regal Kingdom of Style, the adorable La Petite Fashionista, and the inimitable Wendy B. Thank you so much, my lovelies! I'm not totally sure if this short survey is officially attached to the Thinking Blogger thing, but I'm going to go with it because it doesn't involve cargo pants and I don't feel like thinking:

What's the story behind the name of your blog?

Isn't it obvious? Not in the least? Oh.

Well, when I decided to start a fashion blog, I spent days scribbling title options in my notebook. I knew the vast importance of this decision: My title had to perfectly capture my personality and subject matter. It had to be unique, catchy, and match my writing style. It had to be chic, but not snobby; hip, but not full of itself. One day, amidst this early blogging agony, I plopped down on the couch and turned on Animal Planet. A guy in safari gear was holding a cobra and talking about the potency of its venom when suddenly the snake lunged at the camera. I jumped onto the back of the couch and screeched, "DADDY NO LIKEY!"


I scrawled my awkward phrase down on the page. Crossed out the "no" (too negative). And there it was: my title. It accomplished nothing that I'd hoped for, was confusing at best, and sexually suggestive at worst. It was perfect.

Why did you start blogging in the first place?

I started reading fashion blogs a few months before I started my own. Of course I loved the classics like Go Fug Yourself, Letters to Marc Jacobs (may it rest in peace), and the Manolo, but I was coming across way too many fashion blogs that were just...bad. I saw a lot of mindless materialism, misogyny (apparently "m" was a theme), and boring writing. I felt like fashion blogs were going the way of fashion magazines and selling women short. This pissed me off, so I decided to start my own. (I wanted to start my own magazine, but initial research suggested that would cost a few extra mill and the selling of my soul to Time Warner.)

I so don't mean this to sound like I am god's gift to blogging or anything, although there are tons of blogs out there now that I would consider god's gift to blogging--many of which are sitting in the link list to your right, waiting to be clicked on...

What has been your best blogging experience? Worst?

The best would no doubt be the connections I've made. I have huge girl crushes on about fifty of my fellow bloggers and I love getting to know them better. It's so cool to talk to rad ladies around the world who I wouldn't have even known existed if not for this wee little blog (see? I wouldn't have even said "wee" there if not for my Scottish Queenies!). And not to brag, but I have the coolest, smartest, funniest readers in the world. Seriously, ask my boyfriend how many times per day I randomly start cooing and giggling about how much I love you guys and how awesome you are and how I wish we could all live together on a commune with lots of closet space and pizza.

Worst blogging experience...hmm...probably every night that I don't sit down to blog until 2 in the morning and then I don't finish til 3:30 or 4 and then I take a shower and finally reach my bed around 5 and good god why don't I write posts in advance?

What do you think will happen to your blog in 2008?

Maybe Mindy Kaling will read it and invite me to move to Los Angeles to be her best friend and eat prosciutto sandwiches with her until the writers strike ends and then she'll let me write for The Office? Just a thought...

Damn it's 4 in the morning...I'm so predictable...anyway, I shall tag A Cup of Jo, Painfully Hip, Lalla Lydia, Cuffington, and Fashion by Bowie.