Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2008 Is So Hot Right Now

I hope everyone had a wonderful new year! I spent the evening at a mustache party with some of my favorite people in the world.

As for my required facial hair, I decided to go with the classic trucker/Morgan Spurlock:

Surprisingly flattering, non?

My boyfriend was aiming for Daniel Day Lewis in There Will Be Blood, but everyone said he looked more like Mario from Super Mario Bros:

This is a candid photo. He always looks like that.

Here are my friends M and L posing with the matching stuffed mustaches they both purchased on the exact same night in different cities without consulting each other, all thanks to this post:

God they are cute. New Year's Resolution #63: Find uglier friends to make myself look better.

On that note, wow is this an unfortunate picture:

This was taken just after I lost the wine tasting contest (I drink so infrequently that my answers included, "red?," "Syriana," and "Ham"). Luckily, the hosts provided a prize for the loser: a Nelson Mandela finger puppet! It may be tough to see in the picture, but my strange expression is an attempt to match Lil' Nelson's. And the paper stuck to my forehead says loser. And why am I showing this to thousands of people again?