Thursday, July 29, 2010

Stuff I Love: Golden Globe Necklace

In this case I would happily carry the weight of the world on my shoulders.

p.s. I would also happily carry the weight of a gold saltine on my shoulders.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Black Holes and Broken Sunglasses

This weekend my top favorite sunglasses broke.

They broke while I was drumming, which could have made for a really cool story, like maybe I had just finished a perfect rendition of "Knights of Cydonia" by Muse and did a massive headbang to celebrate and my sunglasses flew off and hit Dom Howard (the drummer from Muse) in the chest because he happened to be standing in the doorway and then he started a slow clap and said "You're bloody talented" and when I jumped up to hug him I stepped on my sunglasses and they broke and Dom was like, "Don't worry about it, I'll buy you some new ones IN LONDON because you are going to come on tour with us and fill in for me whenever I need a wee nap. Cheers!"

In reality I was sitting completely still while my little brother (who is a way better drummer than I am) tried to explain to me the concept of a paradiddle, and my $12 sunglasses just fell off my head onto the floor and broke. And I seriously almost cried.

I was able to find a replacement pair (in blue plaid) on ebay the same night for less than 10 bucks, which was awesome, but in my state of grief I also bought two other vintage pairs from Etsy and saved about a thousand more in my favorites folder, including these:

Now I'm sort of hoping someone else buys these before I do, because I need to stop spending all my money on sunglasses, and I'll need to pack light when I go on tour.

p.s. I just bought tickets to see Muse in Minneapolis in October. Might need to buy a new pair of sunglasses to celebrate.

Monday, July 26, 2010

High Fashion Haiku: Broccoli Bag

If you put your mouth
where your money is, at least
you'll get some fiber.

p.s. Thanks so much to Catherine and Julienne for emailing me about this!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Beaded Jewelry - racelets 15

Beaded Jewelry - racelets 15
This purple beaded bracelet is made with 12mm, 10mm, 8mm and 6mm glass beads, 12mm, 10mm, 8mm, and 6mm crystal beads. It is very easy to make it. Did you like it ?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets 17

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets 17This purple beaded bracelet is made with 12mm, 10mm, 8mm, 6mm glass beads, 8mm, 6mm, 5mm crystal beads. For this bracelet you need different sizes and forms of beads.

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets 19

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets 19This silver beaded bracelet is made with 14mm, 12mm, 10mm, 8mm, 6mm plastic beads, 10mm, 8mm glass beads, 8mm, 6mm crystal beads and seed beads. Once I have made this model in black, now I made in silver. Did you like it and please leave a comment.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Impossible Pants

I saw Inception yesterday, and then today my friend Paul emailed me this picture:

Isn't this like the pants version of Penrose's Impossible Staircase? Where do the shoes end and the pants begin? Or am I just stuck in the third layer of a four layer dream about two layer shoe-pants?

God I have a headache.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Khaki Confusion

Every magazine I've opened in the past few months has included an edhtorial screaming "Khaki is back! And it's sassy and stylish! Throw out all your denim! Wear full khaki outfits! GO BUY KHAKI."

When I worked at Starbucks I bought a pair of khaki shorts to augment my summer work wardrobe. The dress code there required black or khaki bottoms and I found a pair for 10 bucks at Nordstrom Rack and when I tried them on in the dressing room I shrugged and thought, "Well, they're not the worst shorts in the world."

Then I brought them home and realized I was wrong. They were the worst shorts in the world. They had a high waist and a bunchy crotch and the hem hit right above my knee and they made my ass look like a pancake battling severe depression.

Even my boyfriend, who is normally exceedingly supportive of every outfit, took one look at these shorts and said, "Really though?"

For awhile I wore them anyway because I always forgot to wash my work clothes. But eventually the weather got cooler and I quit Starbucks and I hung the Worst Shorts In The World in the back of my closet and forgot about them.

Cut to a few days ago. With visions of chic khaki editorial spreads dancing in my head, I took out the Worst Shorts In The World, hacked about 6 inches off the legs and cuffed 'em. Paired with a sparkly black tanktop and blue hoodie they were perfect for a long city walk with a friend and I felt like I had conquered the khaki trend on my own terms. I got a few compliments on my new look. I was pretty proud.

(Not me. But similar shorts.)

Later that night I went over to my brother's house to learn some new songs on his drum set. I was feeling really cool about mastering The Kink's "You Really Got Me" until I looked down and saw that my sassy khaki shorts had stretched out over the course of the day into saggy soccer mom culottes. Rockstar moment ruined.

This whole debacle got me thinking: Why must khaki always swing so violently from one end of the style spectrum to the other? Is there no middle ground between sassy chic and saggy soccer mom? How do you guys feel about the khaki trend, and khaki in general?

P.S. And how in god's name does one wear khaki in the summer and avoid mustard stains?

Monday, July 19, 2010

On Anne of Green Gables and Eggplant Parmigiana

I was thrilled when the lovely Annie of Poetic & Chic invited me to help kick off her new interview series, the P&C Questionnaire. Her thought-provoking questions had me waxing poetic (and chic) on everything from Anne of Green Gables to hipster haircuts and eggplant parmigiana. Please click here to check it out.

#1 Life Inspiration

A huge thanks to Annie for the awesome opportunity!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Don't Show-cha Your Chocha!

Happy Friday and welcome to this week's installment of Don't Show-cha Your Chocha! For those of you who are just joining the party here at Daddy Likey, DSYC is a recurring feature in which readers send in examples of the not-wearing-pants-when-they-are-clearly-necessary trend.

Please feel free to click here to read the humble beginnings of Don't Show-cha Your Chocha, or just read on and you'll surely get the gist of it.

Let's kick things off with the most elegant and classy brand in all of fashion, Ed Hardy:

Reader Chrisanthi explains: Notice the blonde girl trying to hold down the brunette's chocha-skimming "dress" from being blown away... the girl with the hairdryer must be trying to drawn the attention away from her complete box shot.

Speaking of class and elegance:

Says Courtney: Though this particular choch-offense isn't especially short, the placement of the design gives me great concern.

Here's an elegant space age DSYC moment:

Says Brooke: This gal is just looking for trouble!

Love this one from reader Flavia:

You might call this a "tour de chocha."

Minona (oh my god, best name ever) sent in this fairly cute, really short dress from Asos:

This would be a perfectly fine chocha submission on its own, but as Minona said, "you have to go to the website and view the catwalk video, if you dare." Watching the model try to spin around glamorously while tugging her dress down to cover her butt is both stressful and delightful.

Here's a priceless chocha trifecta from Emma:

I found this picture of an ad campaign for Alexander Wang disturbing. The model's body language pretty much speaks for itself!

Here's a near sent in by lovely reader Bojana:

Entertainment Weekly captioned this dress as a 'youthful Rafael Cennamo mini.' Youthful here meaning 'chocha-licious.'

Here's a great Glee chocha (glocha?) from Jessica:

While I do love Glee, I think we can agree that Lea Michele is not super thrilled to have to appear in Elle in such a chocha-tastic ensemble.

Some of my favorite DSYC submissions are the ones that are clearly labeled as "dresses" while showing the model's entire crotch:

As Anna says: You can legitimately see her crotch. See. Her. Crotch. Oh jeez.

My other favorite DSYC submissions are the ones that are clearly labeled "nun's habit" while showing the model's entire crotch:

A huge thanks to reader Alex for spotting this one.

Aaaannnnd I think we should end with the slutty nun. Yep, definitely.

Spot a chocha? Send it in!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Stuff I Love: Happy Day Dress

I just really love clothes that make it seem hard to have a bad day.

DVF dress, on sale for $138 (size 8 only--Crap! now I'm having a bad day)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Five Men's Fashion First Impressions!

Good lord it's been a long time since the Five Men made an appearance, hasn't it? This is mostly because rounding up all the men often feels like trying to control a herd of diva sheep with ADD. No offense, guys.

Anyway, if you're new to Daddy Likey (welcome!), here's how Five Men's Fashion First Impressions works: I show my group of men (brothers, dad, boyfriend) an avant-garde fashion item and record their immediate reactions, which usually include at least one reference to Con Air. Here is the introductory FMFFI post, if you're curious. And here is today's fashion item, submitted by the lovely Ashley:

The skeletal heel from Dsquared2. My opinion? Awesome.

And now, without further ado, the men...

Brother, age 15: First of all, it's not logical. The spinal column is bowed out too much. Second of all, it seems like it's gonna burst open and an alien is gonna pop out.

Brother, age 20: The only two explanations I can think of for this are if your bone is actually protruding from your foot or you are Dr. Grant from Jurassic Park.

Father: (Cocks head. Squints) So that's the caudal portion of the spinal cord. (Looks closer) Wow! It's even got intercostals in there! It's really quite a good representation. It must be life-modeled. I mean, it's butt ugly, but it's quite eye-catching. I like the bones. I don't like the shoe.

Boyfriend: That's the creepy robot from Transformers that tries to kill Tyrese Gibson!

Brother, age 23: Looks like a sand shrimp claw.
Me: So do you like it?
Brother, age 23: No, I hate sand shrimp.

So, there you go.

p.s. The Five Men take requests! If you find something you'd like their sometimes disturbing but always brutally honest opinion on, send it my way:

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Awesome Affordable Etsy Find of the Week!

Oregon is currently experiencing a heat wave. We hit 101 today. Anytime the temperature climbs above 90 I'm convinced my second floor apartment is not actually an apartment but a human oven closely observed by alien chefs. It's terrifying. And sweaty.

Today I fled to the beach to escape the heat. Tomorrow I plan to wear nothing but a vintage slip to work, then crawl over to the air-conditioned grocery store across the street, lay down in the freezer section, and try not to get arrested for indecent exposure.

p.s. For all you sweaty, stylish Portland folks, also happening tomorrow: The Up in the Air Summer Affair Rooftop Party and Fashion Show. I'm hoping to peel myself off the grocery store floor, put on a bra (hopefully), and go check it out. Should be a really good time! See you there?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Top 5 Neon Pink Sneakers for the "Neon Pink Sneakers Girl"

My sophomore year of college I was really into Converse sneakers. I wanted to be known as "Converse Girl" so I wore my pink high tops and purple tie-dye low tops every day and said things like, "Look everybody! I'm wearing my Converse again. Might as well call me Converse Girl!" really loud and often. I was well on my way to mediocre fame and maybe a sponsorship when my foot started to hurt. I went to the doctor, he did an x-ray, and said, "Your foot is broken."

"Umm, how did I break my foot without noticing?"

He frowned at my beloved Converse sitting at the corner. "Do you ever wear different shoes?"

"No," I said. "I'm kind of known as the Converse Girl."

He explained that the lack of support from my beat-up sneakers combined with constant walking and my habit of excitable jumping had given me a stress fracture.

I stormed out of his office with a walking cast, later switched to even less supportive ballet flats to spite him, and I haven't really worn sneakers since.

Cut to the other day at Starbucks: I saw a girl waiting in line wearing the most amazing neon pink Keds. I gasped and said to my friend, "Look at the neon pink Keds girl!" and I felt a pang of jealousy and nostalgia in my heart. My obsession had returned.

Here are a few of my favorite options a frantic search for "neon pink sneakers" turned up:

Monday, July 5, 2010

Advanced Fashion Quiz!

One of the shoes below is from the Marc by Marc Jacobs spring 2010 collection. The other is a jester shoe from Can you guess which is which?

(Click on the photos to see their origins)

p.s. Thanks so much to Kate for alerting me to the existence of these shoes in an email titled, "WTF Marc Jacobs?!"

p.p.s.s. Doesn't it kind of look like top shoe exploded? It makes me a little sad when I look at it.