Monday, June 14, 2010

Awesome Affordable Etsy Find of the Week: Back From Florida Edition

I'm back from Florida, miraculously alive and in one piece (I did lose approximately 3 quarts of blood to the Everglades mosquitoes, but hey, I'm sure they needed it more than I did). Crazy snake-hunting/alligator-stalking/Jon Voight-impersonating adventure stories and photo evidence are forthcoming as soon as I get my thoughts in order and my brother figures out how to burn me a photo CD (the kid has many other skills).

I promise to make it worth the wait.

As a preview, here is a picture of me petting a water moccasin that my dad caught in a swamp:

Not shown: me wetting myself.

I'll be back to a normal blogging schedule this week so stay tuned for haiku, chochas, and lots of other fun stuff!