Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Top 5 Reasons I Love My New Sports Bra

The other day my boyfriend and I decided to play tennis. This was a stupid decision because all of my sports bras had recently been massacred in a terrible laundry accident (I can't discuss the details yet--I'm too emotional), but I was feeling cocky and thought I could get away with wearing one of my regular lacy bras, just this once.

Again, this was a stupid decision. Because a good foundation is essential, and it's especially essential while playing sports.

At the tennis courts, I complained a lot. I tiptoed around instead of running. I moaned, "You will never know my plight!" And after I attempted to serve with my racket tucked into my armpit and both hands holding my boobs in place, my boyfriend said, "That's it. We're going to get you a new sports bra."

The closest supplier was Aries Apparel, so we sped over there, I grabbed the first employee I saw and said, "Look, I'm ready to admit it. I need help. I left a tennis game to come here. I've hit rock bottom."

The woman, who happened to be the Patron Saint of Double-D Cups, gently grabbed me by the shoulders, led me into the dressing room, and shut the curtains. "Don't come out," she said, "and don't panic. Just promise me you'll try on every bra I give you."

So I did. I was there for, like, two hours. And I found this bra:

Here are the top 5 reasons I'm in love with it:

Its name is "Maia."
Which makes it extra easy to anthropomorphize, as in: "Maia and me played soccer today and had so much fun! Then we got frappuccinos and watched Cool Runnings."

It's modest.
Normally I don't care that much about modesty. I mean, I try my best not to show-cha my chocha, but I love a good miniskirt or a deep v-neck. However, the combination of loose workout clothes, too-small sports bras, and contortionist poses can turn an innocent yoga class into a particularly raunchy round of strippersize, and I do have an issue with that. Maia helps me stay decent, even during downward facing dog.

It's like two bras in one.
It's got the coverage and elasticity of a regular pullover sports bra, combined with the all-important underwire and adjustable straps: the best of both worlds!

It doesn't resemble a sporty straight jacket.
One of the bras my Aries Apparel bra consultant insisted I try on might warrant its own post at some point: it had approximately 700 clasps from my belly button up to my neck, crushed my boobs into submissive pancakes, and may or may not have been made of Kevlar. Sure, it probably could have protected me from a mortar attack, but it was so ugly and uncomfortable that I was terrified to put it on, and then needed assistance from two people to take it off. No thanks. Not fun.

OMG I can run in it!
Running with an ample bosom is a complicated endeavor involving all manner of slings, pulleys, and an emergency medical team on call. Normal sports bras just don't cut it. Me and Maia, though? We could run all day. Well, realistically we could run for, like, 25 minutes, but still. It's awesome.

Have any of you large-chested readers found a sports bra you love? Please spread the Non-Bouncy Good News in the comments!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Stuff I Love: Sunny Shoes and Sunny Days

These shoes are almost as happy and exciting as a sunny spring day in Portland. To understand exactly how happy and exciting that is, imagine if these shoes were surrounded by a bunch of gray, cloudy shoes. And sitting in a mud puddle.

Wanna know what else is exciting? They're only 17 bucks. Hallelujah spring is here!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Beaded ewelry - ecklaces3

Beaded ewelry - ecklaces3<br />This yellow beaded necklace is made with 14mm glass sticks.

beaded Jewelry - Earrings 3

beaded Jewelry - Earrings 3beaded Jewelry - Earrings 3beaded Jewelry - Earrings 3This beaded earrings are mae with 8mm, 6mm, plastic beads, seed beads, 5mm jump rings, 10mm crystal plastic beads. Do you like them? If you like them please leave a comments.

Beaded Jewelry - Completes

Beaded Jewelry - Completes
Beaded Jewelry - Completes

This gray beaded necklace is made with 8mm plastic and 8mm glass beads, 8mm, 12mm jump rings.

Beaded Jewelry - Earrings134

Beaded Jewelry - Earrings134Beaded Jewelry - Earrings134Beaded Jewelry - Earrings134This bangle beaded earrings are made with 3mm, 6mm crystal beads, 5mm jump rings.

Beaded Jewelry - Earrings3

Beaded Jewelry - Earrings3This beaded earrings are made with 8mm, 10mm, 12mm plastic beads.

The Lincoln-Jeggings Debates

A couple weeks ago I was in the hosiery section of Nordstrom. And they had a big shelf of jeggings there, right next to the socks and tights and pantyhose. And I felt really conflicted about it.

I mean, jeggings can be interpreted as jeans made of leggings-like fabric, or leggings made to look like jeans (or predatory seabirds, I guess). Jeggings retailers have to pick a side. Nordstrom sent a strong statement with their jeggings placement: this item is more hosiery than pants. Urban Outfitters, on the other hand, stocks their jeggings next to their normal jeans. The ramifications of this decision could be terrifying.

I think, ideally, jeggings would be stocked in some kind of a hybrids-only section along with Toyota Priuses, plucots, and the Pig Man from Seinfeld. But alas, that's just not a realistic option right now, what with the Toyota recall and all.

So, to help us this out, I've decided to present both sides of the issue in the style of a 19th century political debate. For the sake of argument, I will take the "jeggings as jeans" side, while Abraham Lincoln (obviously) will argue that jeggings are, in fact, more like leggings, and therefore well suited to the hosiery section.


Me: Jeggings. Such a confusing little word. Such a confusing little garment. Are they leggings or are they jeans? They are both, but also, somehow, neither. When it comes to jeggings, there is only one thing I know for sure: seeing them in the hosiery section makes me go, "Huh?" And that is unacceptable.

Abraham Lincoln: Friends and patriots, I speak to you today as a conflicted man. My personal struggle with this issue has deeply affected me and my family, but I have finally come to a conclusion… jeggings are more leggings than jeans, and should be treated accordingly.

Me: Abe, with all due respect, that is wack. If jeggings were merely leggings, then why would seeing them in the hosiery section reduce me to tearful spasms of confusion and panic?

Abraham Lincoln: I'm really not sure why that would ever happen.

Me: When I see jeggings stocked with other jeans, I just get slightly uncomfortable, but I can deal with it. Therefore, jeggings are more like jeans.

Abraham Lincoln: Deeming these modest underthings "jeans" is an outright fabrication! The only quality jeggings share with jeans is the first initial "J."

Me: As my dear friend Benjamin Franklin once said, "If it walks like a jean, and talks like a jean, it's a pair of jeans."

Abraham Lincoln: Your whole argument hinges on a fake Benjamin Franklin quote?

Me: Mostly, yes.

Abraham Lincoln: Unlike my opponent, I don't think this is a topic that should be taken lightly. Stocking jeggings alongside jeans is a bold act of rebellion. It says to the world, "Don't worry about wearing these as a bottom layer. Please, feel welcome to wear them as pants." And that, my friends, is a dangerous precedent.

Me: Dude, Abe, the latest trend is not wearing pants at all--let the people throw on a pair of jeggings!

Abraham Lincoln: I suppose in this case you could call me a separatist. Can't we just give jeggings their own section?

Me: I totally agree. We need to find the Pig Man.

So, which side are you on?

p.s. A big thanks to my amazing brother Tona for helping me generate Abraham Lincoln jeggings quotes.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Awesome Affordable Etsy Find of the Week!

I have a huge crush on New Zealand-based Etsy shop hunter gatherer. They sell adorable hair bows and bowties in vintage-inspired fabrics, and all their product tags say "hunter gatherer thinks you are quite lovely."

You see, I'm a sucker for flattery. Also for floral prints. Also for New Zealand accents. Help me, Jesus.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Top 5 Things I Would Say to My Wardrobe if We Were in Couples Counseling

(photo via rocket_ship)

I have a very complex relationship with my wardrobe. Sometimes the contents of my closet make me feel exuberant, confident, and sassy--I'm so proud of these clothes I have collected and the way they flatter my figure and express my personality. And other times these very same clothes make me feel stifled, frumpy, and angry.

Yesterday morning was one of these "other times."

I found myself collapsing dramatically into a pile of cardigans on my bed, choking back tears and declaring, "I hate everything I own. Everything. I just hate it!" I wanted to go on a shopping spree or join a nudist colony or at the very least, hire Bruce Willis to drill a nuke into my closet and blow it up so mankind could be spared from seeing these awful clothes ever again. [New 2010 goal: less Armageddon references, more allusions to the works of Nabokov.]

Anyway, during these emotional moments in my cardigan pile, I got to thinking that this complex relationship I have with my wardrobe isn't unlike the complex relationship one might have with a boyfriend or girlfriend or sibling or parent. Sure, sometimes we treat each other terribly, but deep down, we really love each other. And the good times far outweigh the bad.

If my wardrobe and I decided to go to couples counseling to work on our relationship, here are a few things I would want to say:
  • Sometimes I feel like you don't support me. But maybe I'm expecting too much from you, especially that six year old bra I keep wearing instead of donating to the local historical society.
  • You definitely deserve better treatment, so I will try to pick you up off the floor more often. I will also try to stop yelling "I HATE YOU.
  • I need you to be more flexible. Mostly when I eat too much pasta.
  • I know I need to stop looking for a cheap thrill at TJ Maxx whenever I get bored with you, but be patient with me, OK? Old habits die hard.
  • Sorry I keep a Goodwill bag in the closet and throw random things in it over the course of weeks or months. That must sort of feel like being held hostage and not knowing which of your friends is going to be taken away next. Stress central.
What would you say to your wardrobe? And what would it say to you?

Monday, March 22, 2010

This Might Clear Some Things Up...

The lovely and talented Jessica emailed me the transcript of a conversation she had with her mom the other day, and I couldn't resist posting it here, partly because it clears up a few common myths/misunderstandings surrounding this blog, but mostly because it totally cracked me up:

Mom: I read a blog on your website the other day! You had it linked.

Me: Oh? Which one?

Mom: Daddy Likely.

Me: Daddy Likey?

Mom: Oh, I thought it was Likely. I thought it was a saying I didn't know.

Me: Nope, Daddy Likey.

Mom: Yes, I liked what she was saying about sweaters. I buy LOTS of sweaters in the same colors. But I was a little disturbed that she is selling stolen clothes!


Mom: Her store that she was talking about. The one with Stolen Vintage Clothes. Who does she steal them from? Does she ask?

Me: Oh The store is Stolen Peacock Vintage. She had a story about her family stealing a peacock.

Mom: Is she selling a stolen peacock?

Me: No, the store is NAMED after a stolen peacock. She didn't steal any clothes.

Mom: So she's not selling anything she stole from anybody.

Me: Right.

Mom: Oh, good. That makes me feel better. I liked her writing, and I felt bad about liking her if she was stealing things and selling them!

Me: I am SO e-mailing her about this.

Mom: Tell her I'm sorry I accused her of stealing. Oh, what's a 'Chocho?'

p.s. If anyone else is wondering, "chocha" is a term that translates to "private lady parts." Pronunciation is an entirely personal decision, mostly because I love hearing my mom and her friends (and now Jessica's mom!) come up with different versions.

p.p.s.s. I also wanted to assure you that Jessica is right--Stolen Peacock Vintage is not stocked with stolen merchandise. And I gave up the peacock-stealing business a long time ago. But I regret nothing.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Beaded Jewelry - Earrings

Beaded Jewelry - EarringsBeaded Jewelry - EarringsThis black beaded earrings are made with 16mm, 10mm, 8mm, 6mm glass beads, 6mm, 4mm crystal beads, 10mm jump rings.

Beaded Jewelry - Earrings

Beaded Jewelry - EarringsThis beaded earrings are made with 8mm, 10mm, 12mm plastic beads.

Beaded Jewelry - Necklaces

Beaded Jewelry - NecklacesThis green beaded necklace is made with 8mm plastic beads, 14mm glass sticks , 10mm jump rings.

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets

My new bracelets, I have them and in another color but if you want me to show you please leave a coment.

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets 1

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets 1
For everybody who love red color I make this bracelet.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Stolen Peacock Vintage Update!

A big congratulations to the lovely Lauren, winner of our Stolen Peacock Vintage Grand Opening Giveaway Bonanza, and a huge thank you to everyone who entered! Your comments were sweet and insightful and hilarious, which are three of my favorite adjectives.

We updated the shop recently with lots of gorgeous new pieces, so please check it out if you have a free moment this weekend. Here are some of my current favorites:

A floaty marbled maxi dress: so perfect for summer, not to mention a beautiful way to bring a little marble rye inspiration into your wardrobe.

I mentioned on Twitter that if you buy these gorgeous 70s sunglasses, I might resent you, because I kind of want to keep them, but I will also respect you, and befriend you, and ask to borrow your sunglasses.

This dress makes me unbelievably happy. The happy flowers! The happy pockets! And it's just 22 bucks, which is way cheaper than antidepressants.

This sequin jacket was super popular in the giveaway comment section, and it's still up for grabs, so grab it!

We've also added in a couple higher end designer pieces, like a fringed Valentino top and this stunning red coat dress by Charles Cooper:

So. Freakin'. Chic.

Thanks so much again to everyone for your awesome comments and emails, Etsy favorite-ing, and help spreading the word about Stolen Peacock Vintage. We've had a blast with the shop so far, and we really appreciate your support!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stuff I Love

Today I'm delighted to debut a groundbreaking new segment here at Daddy Likey. It's called Stuff I Love. These posts will feature...wait for it...wait for it...Stuff I Love! Huge bombshell, right? But seriously, I love a lot of stuff, and I'm tired of hiding it from the world.

First up, check out this amazing "Earth" necklace from Alice and Isa:

I totally love it.

That's all.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Don't Show-cha Your Chocha, Now Featuring an Embarrassed Mannequin

Alright ladies and gentlemen, it's Don't Show-cha Your Chocha time! It's a time of deep personal reflection, spirituality, and most importantly, pictures of people who have decided wearing pants, skirts and/or underwear is totally lame.

Let's start with this artful spread (or clench, more accurately), that reader Susanne titled, "Where the Wild Chochas Grow:"

Get the picture?

Wonderful Rory submitted Mariah Carey's not-so-wonderful new album cover:

Considering what the retoucher did to her breasts, I wouldn't be surprised if she was originally wearing pants but they were edited out.

This one cracks me up:

Says Thomas W.: All that pixelation isn't going to save us from her chocha.

Oh look, it's another pretend-dress from our old friends at Forever 21:

Emma says: It would make a great sweater. Not dress. Sweater.

From Julienne:

Seems to me that, even if she's attempting to channel the ghost of Laurence of Arabia, she could bother with the bottom half of her Abayah. Who wants to ride a camel in that state anyway?

From Diana:

She says: It's Asian Taylor Swift chocha-ing around in a children's park with fathers in the background who are most definitely not watching their kids anymore. [Editor's note: Can't wait for the wholesome internet traffic the phrase "Asian Taylor Swift chocha" will bring to my blog. Good god.]

Couture chocha alert:

Says Tavi: At least she's blunt about her embarrassment.

Next we have three British DSYC moments, with commentary, courtesy of Grace:

How much better would it be if it was ENTIRELY floor length, instead of the front being crotch length??

Ahhh, Jordan. I admire how she has tied a piece of floral fabric around her hips to try and add a sense of demurity to her see though net orange trousers. Sadly, she failed.

I have no words. None.

Here's a doozy:

Says Shayla: I guess she doesn't have to worry about anyone seeing anything when she bends over. You can see stuff when she's standing up! I hope she put pants on before she went out the door.

Next two are from lovely reader Jen's American Music Awards chocha report:

What's that noise? Oh I get it... it’s her chocha screaming: “I want to be in the picture too!”

Shakira should put the chocha showing dress down, go make another album and use the money to buy the rest of the missing pieces for the dress!!

Hmm...speak of the devil:

Says Glynnis: Here is Shakira, whose hips do not lie, coming very closing to airing her chocha.

And finally, this ebay chocha moment from Jenni might be one of my favorites ever. This is her story:

It said "Short dress/top". I clicked. And quickly regretted it:

Apparently I wanted to burn my eyes out as I clicked on the back view:

I mean, Sweet Mother of Jesus, when even a MANNEQUIN has to use its hand to maintain its dignity know you're in trouble!

You guys, the mannequin is embarrassed. Are you laughing as hard as I am? I can't even handle how funny that is.

Thanks so much to all the diligent chocha watchers who keep this feature well-stocked and running smoothly week after week! Find a chocha? Send it in:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Stockpile Syndrome

Many generations of my family grew up poor in rural Italy before my great grandparents immigrated to America. As my mom often puts it, "We hail from peasant stock. If you ever need to carry big buckets of water on your shoulders, trust me, you will be able to do it. It is in your blood."


Perhaps because of this impoverished heritage, my mom's side of the family believes strongly in stockpiling. They also believe strongly that vegetarians eat pork, chicken, and fish, but that's another post for another time.

These people stockpile everything: garbanzo beans, paper towels, sports equipment, silverware. My grandmother's basement is basically Costco, just less crowded and with a much wider selection.

Naturally, many of my Italian relatives are proponents of stockpiling favorite items of clothing. Instead of saying, "Nice sweater," my great aunt says, "I hope you got that in every color, Winona!" And it is more of a threat than a compliment, because how dumb would I feel if I only bought one and it ripped and I didn't have five more to replace it and stay looking cute through the cold, hard winter?

I can't decide how I feel about it. On the one hand, it's nice to have your favorite shirt in a variety of colors, and it's comforting to keep a backup pair of those perfect-fitting pumps in your closet. But I've also found that whenever I do stock up on something, it doesn't feel so special anymore, and I lose interest.

So I'm curious to know what you guys think: Do you believe in stockpiling?

p.s. Sally of Already Pretty posted about this topic today too! Crazy, right? Please check out her thoughtful and thought-provoking post on buying multiples as well!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets 2

Beautiful brown beaded bracelet. In this bracelet I use crystal beads, plastic beads and glass beads.
Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets 2

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets 3

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets 3This beaded bracelet is made with 12mm, 10mm and 8mm plastic beads, 8mm glass beads, 6mm crystal beads. Beautiful yellow bracelet.

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets 4

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets 4This gray beaded bracelet is made with 14mm, 10mm glass beads, 8mm and 5mm plastic beads, 5mm and 6mm crystal beads, 14mm, 10mm and 8mm jump rings. Very beautiful and elegant beaded bracelet, it is one of my favorites.

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets 5

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets 5This red beaded bracelet is made with 12mm, 10mm, 8mm and 6mm glass beads, 12mm, 10mm, 8mm, 6mm and 4mm crystal beads and seed beads.

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets 6

Beaded Jewelry - Bracelets 6This black beaded bracelet is made with 12mm, 10mm and 6mm glass beads, 10mm and 8mm plastic beads, 8mm, 6mm and 4mm crystal beads and seed beads. It is big beaded bracelet.