Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Don't Show-cha Your Chocha!

Yes, it's time for another installment of Don't Show-cha Your Chocha, also known as Someone Give That Model a Damn Pair of Pants! (click here for a slightly better explanation). I've been getting so many fantastic reader emails lately (thanks and keep 'em coming!) that I'm thinking of making DSYC a weekly feature, so stay tuned, and don't fret if you haven't seen your submission yet--there's plenty more where these came from!

Reader Margaret starts things off with this find from--where else?--Shopbop:

Says Margaret: It's like they chopped the skirt off of a Victorian dress to make it more

The rascally Katy sent me an email titled, "You'll NEVER guess where I found this chocha," and as my mind raced with thoughts of risque Mennonite church services, I opened the attached photo to find this:

Katy's message: Shopbop, of course!

Skye submitted this photo of a very uncomfortable looking pose:

Sweet mother of Jesus, what happens when she has to walk up stairs?

From Michelle, via Urban Outfitters:

She says: They call this dress "The Harlem Stripe." I call it thank God she's wearing leggings.

I looooove this one from reader Rachel, who prefers the pose on the right:

Man, yeah, that's subtle.

I'm not known for my follow-through, so I'm guessing that if I were to attempt to knit a floor-length gown, the final product might end up looking like this:

But, as Amelia says: This dress is clearly a cry for help!

Check out this super dramatic chocha moment:

Says Nina: Um is that skirt turned the wrong way?

Taylor found this awesome, awesome chocha moment on the Forever 21 website:

She says: I don't know how they expect this girl to relax when she's sitting on some guy's lap with no pants on. She looks very worried.

Next 3 are from the lovely Lianna:

Again, we should probably thank God for leggings.

And finally, Caroline passed along this hilarious--if unconventional--submission:

Her explanation: So this isn't really a dress or a shirt that is too short and shows off the chocha area....but I just had to pass it on anyways because if you want people to see your chocha without actually showing your chocha, you can wear this shirt--with its helpful diagram!

Spotted a Don't Show-cha Your Chocha moment? Send it to me at!