Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Five Men's Fashion First Impressions!

It's time again for Five Men's Fashion First Impressions, the ever-popular recurring feature in which I show an avant-garde piece of clothing or accessory to the five men in my life and record their snap judgments. Today, at the request of lovely reader Devora, I showed the men these skull purses:

And here's what they said:

Brother, age 14:
What is it? (Long pause) No, seriously, what is it?
A purse.
Brother, age 14: Ooohhhhh! I want one! Chrome finish, please.

Is this like a new goth trend? One of my coworkers would really like these, but she got fired for taking heroin and passing out at the meat slicer.

Brother, age 22: It looks like the skull is gasping for breath through a dry cleaning bag.

Brother, age 19: After 'Police Station,' these rank at the top of the list of Worst Places to Hide Human Skull from Police

Father: Yow! (Closely examining the photo) Well, they're only marginally good skulls to begin with, from an anatomical standpoint. They're self-consciously stupid, as far as I'm concerned.
Me: I kind of thought you might want one.
I already have a skull.
[Editor's note: He does. It's on a shelf in his office.]

Got a request for the Five Men? Email me! daddylikeyblog@gmail.com